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Mountain Routes

Uzbekistan is a country with hottest waterless deserts, including Kyzylkum, Karakum and Usturt in the West and fenced off from the plains of Mongolia and China with high mountains of Western Tyan Shan, which are crowned with eternal snows.You will be presented a great opportunity to choose from the great range of sightseeing in the nature and something interesting can be found anywhere and everywhere.

It can be dark and riparian forests along the river banks, local impassable jungle, where in the early 20th century there were tigers and high mountains with unique juniper and walnut-fruit forests, there are glaciers and eternal snows that feed the major rivers of Central Asia - Syr Darya and Amu Darya.   

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In Uzbekistan, there are only peripheral mountain ranges of the Western Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai. The most accessible places for having a walk from Tashkent are Chatkal, Pskem, Ugam and Koksu ridges with their peaks of Chimghan, Kyzylnura, Piёzak, Oxotichiy, Chadak, Adelunga, Beshtor, Tunduk and many others. 
You can hike through the mountains all year round.

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In winter ski season starts, the rest of the year - hiking to waterfalls and caves, you can even see the petroglyphs!We offer a wide range of mountain tours at any time of the year!

Would like to go skiing?

Will we walk to the gorge?

We can offer you a lot!

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Aksay - Gulkam. Trekking Tour
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44/1, Chilanzarskaya street
100115 Tashkent, Uzbekistan