Destination: Bukhara region
Best time to visit: whole year
Specialization: Muslim tour
- 07:00 Breakfast at the hotel of Bukhara
- 08:00 Leave the hotel for Gijduvan town to visit Mausoleum of Abdalhalika Gijduvani
- He is the founder of an independent school of mysticism in Maverannahr known as Hadjagan (Path of teachers). Al Gijduvani continued the spiritual teaching of Yusuf al-Hamadani, introduced the silent dhikr, and formulated the eight rules, the basic principles of spiritual and religious teachings, underlying the basis of Tariqa hadzhagon. Abdalhalik Gijduvani buried in Gijduvan at the feet of his mother.
- Visiting Ulugbek Madrasah.
- 09:30 Move to Shafirkan town
- Visit the grave of Khoja Arif Rivgariya - one of the most famous Sufi of Central Asia.
- Khoja Arif Rivgary was one of the worthy followers' tradition of Hadjagan - followers of Sheikh Abdalhalika Gijduvani, after whose death he led the fraternity. It is the second feast of The Seven Pirs of Bukhara.
- 11:00 Transfer to Vabkent district in the Anjirbog village
- Visit the burial place of Khoja Mahmud Angirey Fagnaviya.
- Khoja Mahmud Angirey Fagnavy is a famous Sufi of his time, recognized as the spiritual authority of Maverannahr. He was the first who introduced the public dhikr in accordance with the needs and requirements of the time. Khoja Mahmud Angirey Fagnavy died in 1286 or 1307 and was buried in his native village.
- 12:00 Return to Bukhara for lunch
- 13:30 Drive to Romitan area
- Visit the grave of Ali Khoja Romitani
- Khoja Ali Ramitani - one of the famous spiritual authorities Sufi of Hadjagan School, the greatest master of wisdom, has a high spiritual quality and charisma. Because of his popularity and the sanctity, people of the Sheikh called him "Azizon" ("honorable Sheikh").
- A set of sentences carefully passed from generation to generation.
- 15:00 Visit the burial place of Babai Sammasi.
- Khoja Muhammad Babai Sammasi - famous Sufi mystic, an adherent of the hadjagan school traditions, follower and student of the Sufi Khoja Ali Ramitani. He was the fifth of the Seven Pirs of Bukhara.
- Khoja Muhammad Babai Sammasi made a valuable contribution to the development of the Sufi Hadjagan School in the development of concepts and techniques of Tasawwuf, which are described in the works of his followers "Makomoti Қulol World" and "Makomoti Shokhi Naksh gangs."
- 16;00 Transfer to Kagan district for visiting The Pir Mir Kulal (Sheikh Sayyid Amir)
- According to various sources, Sheikh Sayyid Amir Kulal was the first Pir of the great ruler Amir Temur. They met in 1363
- Having a large number of followers, Sheikh often spent time in conversation and instruction. According to tradition, Khoja Sayyid Amir Kulal paid special attention to the prevention of minor misconduct, warning from them his students and quoting the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) that even minor sins committed by people daily, tend to turn into great sins and lead to hell.
- 17:00 Transfer to the Mausoleum of the Naqshbandi Bibi Orif mother
- Visiting the burial place of Pir Bahaaddin Naqshbandi. He was the largest representative of the Central Asian Sufi in the XIV century. From his craft "Naqshband" - "chaser" occurred the name of the Naqshbandi Sufi
- After the death of Bahaaddin, he has been recognized as a "Pir" (Wali), the saint patron of Bukhara.
- Back to Bukhara
The cost of the tour is available on request.